What does "Wanderers of Wisdom" unveil about the spirited nature of Sagittarius?

Sagittarius is the 9th Sign of the Zodiac and the sign is ruled by Jupiter. Truth seekers, adventurers, lovers of travel , Sagittarius individuals are fun loving and a good company. Many of them are philosophic in bent, and their spirit of inquiry is practically relentless and endless. Restless, curious and always ready to explore, sometimes they may end up being too upfront and garrulous. Given their quest for truth and ultimate wisdom, most Sagittarius do not take things at their face value. They take their own sweet time to form their opinions, and would not hesitate in asking embarrassing questions.
Sagittarius, candid as they are, in their attempt to know and see, they may end up asking/ saying unexpected things. Archers also exhibit a certain duality. Although, such keen investigators themselves, willing to go an extra mile to find, read, communicate, they themselves may resent the complex education system and formal training. They can be, fanatics yet atheists, and tactless yet serious! Subjects like philosophy, education, religion, mysticism, occult, medicine engross and attract Archers.
The 9th Sign of the Zodiac, Sagittarius is symbolised by a Centaur with the top part being of a human and the lower part being of a horse. They thus have both the good and bad instincts. The human part which has a bow and arrow pointing upwards, suggests that they have a spiritual nature. It also suggests that they are very positive and try to look at the brighter side of life, never getting bogged down by any kind of difficulties. On the other hand, they can be quite rude and may reject the best of advice. They are very active and love open spaces, and outdoor activities. They take interest in all sorts of games and physical activities. They are sympathetic and sincere; always making an effort to fix problems of their loved ones. Although they are very active, it can sometimes show up as restlessness.
The Sagittarius native belongs to the Fire Sign, and they are endowed with great reserves of energy. Just like fire, their energy never get exhausted. They are also unpredictable in their actions. They mostly don’t plan for the future and are prone to act without thinking. They just can’t control themselves from acting instinctively. But their energy gives warmth, and it is not destructive. When they like someone, they act in their best interest.