Vedic Astrology Beginners
Astrology is a wonderful tool for self-discovery. You can learn about your patterns and tendencies in love, with money or family, find out about your purpose and direction and so much more. Vedic Astrology is an ancient Indian science which explains planetary motions and positions with respect to time and their effect on humans and other entities on earth. This beginner’s astrology class is the start of your journey to interpret an astrological chart. Starting at the very beginning, students learn houses and signs in depth. Along the way via discussions, one will explore some of the philosophies behind astrology. Students will be able to determine which Zodiac signs influence aspects like one’s finances, relationships and career, post which it will be easy to understand why different people act differently in similar situations.
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After students have become familiar with chart basics like signs and houses, they are ready to start learning how to interpret charts by putting all the pieces into place. From essential building blocks like elements, houses and signs, to planets, aspects and different lagnas, transits, yogas and dasha’s one will be able to discover how to create a personality profile using the birth chart.
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Phalit Jyotish
Timing of the events and interpreting the dasha is one of the most important part of vedic astrology, this course will require students to know all the concepts of astrology beforehand. The entire course will be based on the principles given in shastras.
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Medical astrology delves deeper into the science wherein it is very important that students have thorough knowledge of vedic basics. In medical astrology, we will understand how planets and rashis are related to our body parts and affliction to those sign and planets causes health issues.
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Phone Numerology
Phone numerology Discover the Infinite Power of Numerology The dynamic vibrations of the numbers have a profound effect on our lives. Whether its our date of birth, energy of our names or a simple phone number
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KP astrology was invented by Shri K.S. Krishna Murthy. KP System is basically the study of Stellar Astrology in which we study Nakshatras or Stars and based on these parameters, predict an event in one’s life.
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